2014 wasn't easy in many ways. Not at all... However, I have learnt so many new things, I have seen who my real friends are, I have made many new friends that hopefully stays forever in my life. Family has came so much more important to me. It always has been but this year has taught that I want to keep them even closer. And now I am in America and some things like celebrating my sisters 20s in January makes me feel sad. But she knows I would want to be there celebrating her.
I've noticed that strange family from different country can become your second family. And I am telling you, that's pretty amazing. To have other family that you can call your family, who opened their life for you. I never thought I could get this close with my ''host''family. I got chance to get know their relatives and family friends who also are lovely and caring people. I am just so glad that I end up here.
We had 'isosleiri' again. Actually I just have to say I don't remember much about January anymore. I celebrated New Years eve with my best friends.
Bad picture with good friends
I got my placement information that I had waited so long! That moment was magical. I don't even remember much about it because I was so so nervous. We had winter break and I spent time with my friends. We had so much fun! I don't know why but I just don't have any pictures...
I got my placement information that I had waited so long! That moment was magical. I don't even remember much about it because I was so so nervous. We had winter break and I spent time with my friends. We had so much fun! I don't know why but I just don't have any pictures...
Pretty much just every day life. School, soccer, gym, home and friends.
Church events. Bowling!
I had my birthday and I felt ''old''. I got surprise birthday present from my family in America. It made me so happy.
Birthday present!
...And I sent this back!
My best friend and I had a birthday party together
Soccer camp with my team
Vappu ''Workers day''
We were getting closer and closer to summer. It was hard to concentrate to school when you knew that exchange and summer were around the corner. I had my Into orientation weekend where I got so much information and learnt new things about exchange year. I met lovely people who had the same dream that I did and so much things to share with. I had a trip with my mom to Mallorca. Maybe not the best timing (yes dad you were right) but we had so much fun. I will never forget it. And yes, you can actually have fun just with your mom. That thought has changed, haha! Also our high school had a cruise to Sweden. I was really happy and looking forward to summer...
Ahh finally, summer! I was so excited about summer but also scared of that I won't go back to school after this break. This was my first summer when I got a job and I really enjoyed it. I had nice workmates and I hope I can work there also next summer. I was a youth leader at church camp (second time) and again, we had a blast. I just love to be there and this time we had an awesome group of people. It's always so much fun especially being a youth leader! We stayed five days at my friends aunts house and took care of her dogs. We also threw a surprise party for my friend and it was so cool to see her reaction. I spent ''midsummer day'' at our cottage with my dad, his parents and my friend.
Surprise party!
Just spending quality time with friends and family (and enjoying soccer's World Cup!!!). So actually July was my ''vacation'' because I worked whole June expect weekends. Had a rest of the church camp and ''good bye''-party with my best friend later in July. I felt really thankful for my friends and we really did have a good time. Awesome to have a friend group like that.
I had waited this month so long. It was funny when my friends went to school and I was still home. I just tried to find out things to do so I wouldn't gotten bored. I almost got three weeks before I left. I spent time with my sister and we did many things together. It was nice because she wasn't working anymore and I didn't have school. We went our cottage with my family and I had a day trip to Estonia with my friends. My first trip to abroad without parents, haha!
I bought little things I needed, tried to understand that I was really leaving and just wanted to be at home. I also had to say good bye to my friend who left to America before I did... It was hard and I realized that I was leaving really soon. I went electronic music festival called ''Weekend Festival'' and once again, it was awesome. We always have so much fun and the fact that you can share that with your best friends is pure love.
When was time to leave I really were ready for it. First we had camp in New York for four days and then was time to go to PA! I started my American high school on 25th of August. The day after I came to America, so really soon. That day really changed my life. I remember my first week here so well!
Not ready for picture though...
When was time to leave I really were ready for it. First we had camp in New York for four days and then was time to go to PA! I started my American high school on 25th of August. The day after I came to America, so really soon. That day really changed my life. I remember my first week here so well!
Not ready for picture though...
Hershey Park
First football game
Everything was new and exciting. I started playing soccer and met my team. They were all really nice from the beginning and we had an awesome season! This year was the best so far, it was right year to come I suppose ;) I was insecure with my English and sometimes I was afraid of people would correct me all the time. But that's how it is, people should do that not just think about that they understand you. Otherwise you won't learn! I was just trying to adjust the thought that I would be here next 10 months. I am really happy right now that we were so busy, because I didn't have time to think Finland. We had sports literally every day. I got known people better and wanted to try all the new stuff. September was fun!
America taught me to love fall. Before, I thought fall was boring and rainy. Here people adore it! Pumpkins (everywhere), all the decorations, halloween, bonfires... I think they enjoy it more here. I went homecoming dances and tried to find a dress from four different malls. Yes, we found it and I was glad I didn't buy the first one I saw... It was fun experience and now I really know how it is.
Otherwise just every day life, soccer, school and still trying to settle in. We had school events like powder puff football game for senior and junior girls. All the money went kids who have a cancer,
This month I understood many things. I felt I have good friendships and things were settled down. I was in the right place. My english was so much better and I was getting more confident with it. Soccer season was over and I wanted to do sports. I tried basketball but yep, it wasn't for me. I was still really glad that I had the courage to go to their practices. So getting out from my comfort zone!
Ice hockey season started and I went many games with my friends or family. They're always so much fun! Thanks giving was 27th of November and I helped making our dinner. I experienced Black Friday shopping and I LOVED IT. Eating dinner? or breakfast? at five and shopping the whole night was cool!
I couldn't believe it was already here, I went basketball games with my friends, I did lot of Christmas shopping and had few school events. I made gingerbread cookies (with finnish recipe!) and finnish christmas tarts that turned out really good! People loved them. I had to have little piece of Finland, yum.
Our family got invited to other organizations ''Internatinal dinner'' and it was really neat to meet other exchange students because I am only one at our school. I spent time with new people and I think we got closer. I got invited to Christmas party and we had really good time (I should throw parties like that in Finland). We also did a day trip to New York City, and I just have to say I love it more and more everytime. So thankful for my hostmom <3
Christmas was fun. People really make my christmas and I love to be around this family and their families. Now on brake I have enjoyed Christmas and spent some time with my friends and family. Tonight we're having a New Year's eve party and I couldn't be more excited!! Many people are coming and I am sure we will have so much fun. I'm kind of ready for 2015 but I don't want to say good bye to 2014 because almost half of my exchange year is gone.
Christmas Village.
Thank you all for being part of my year. Bye 2014!
Oh.. memories <3
VastaaPoistaOh yes😊❤️